Tag: Workers’ compensation lawyer

Compensation Paid

Indemnity paid

Client is in Workers’ Compensation because he fell at work and injured his low back. The insurance company sent him to a doctor paid by them. As expected, the doctor said that he could work and was only mildly disabled. However, his doctors said that he was 100% disabled. After 10 months of litigation and […]

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Workers Compesation Won

Compensation Won!

Compensation won! Client was a mechanic for 10 months in a repair shop. He started suffering of back and neck pain. The employer denied the case saying it was too short the time he worked for his shop for developing those conditions. He got fired. The employer’s doctor affirmed the denial. After 9 months of […]

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Workers’ Compensation Case won!

Case won! Client works in a hose factory. A co-worker left his hose frames in the hallway. Supervisor directs client to clean that up and he refused blaming the person that left them there. After a brief argument, client lifted the frames but injured his back (sciatica) while doing so. Employer denied the claim alleging […]

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Workers’ Compensation won!

Compensation won! Client had an injury to his back when a few containers fell of the rack on him. He felt some pain in the knees but thought that it was temporary and he did not report it. 3 months later needed right knee surgery. Employer denied it. We established the case for both knees […]

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